Part Two: GOALS
1. Liberation Worldwide liberation of women as a group from control of men as a group, and equal sharing by the sexes of political, economic, and social power
2. Ending Hierarchy Abolition of social stratifications, beginning with those based on sex
3. Humanity Recognition of women's full existential humanity
4. Bodily Integrity and Sovereignty including the areas of involuntary servitude, conscription, sexual coercion, and reproduction
5. Non-Violence Establishment of a safe, peaceful, sustainable Earth for all
6. Women's Culture Post-liberation, building a women's culture and conserving those traditions and wisdom that are specific to women
1. Supporting the Propositions and Goals set forth above
2. Structural Transformation of global legal, economic, and social systems, not just reform
3. Systematization of radical feminist theory, including social, scientific, philosophical, and political theory
4. Organization of women worldwide; commitment to struggle and resistance until liberation is attained
5. Collective Analysis Use of a collective analysis rather than emphasis on individual rights
6. Second Wave Feminism Conserving Second Wave texts and insights
7. Consciousness-raising as a method for production of evidence and insight, including grassroots interactions in social media such as radfem blogs
8. Use of Embodiment and material conditions of women as sources of evidence
9. Scientific research regarding the root causes of violence, domination, and hierarchy, and the relative influences of biology and culture on human behavior
10. Standpoint Theory Use of the Female Gaze (from standpoint theory) to analyze male epistemology and construction of social reality as well as the involvement of the State in supporting domination and subordination
11. Solidarity with radical lesbian feminists and building strategic alliances with other marginalized political, social, and ideological groups
12. Visions Visionary feminists' creative work
13. Hate Crime law protections to be extended to women as a class
14. Gender Asylum protections to be extended to women as a class
15. Separatism as an accepted alternative in housing, education, and socially for those who want it
16. Celibacy and Same-Sex relationships as accepted alternatives to heterosexual sex for those who want them
17. Safe spaces and Protective Laws Maintenance of certain protective safe spaces for women and maintenance of some protective health-related laws for women, especially during transition, so long as male violence is inadequately managed
1. Race and Class Social Stratification, as well as Sex Stratification
2. Capitalism and Social Contract Political Theory
3. The Prostitution Industry
4. The Pornography Industry
5. Rape laws based on consent legal doctrines, and social tolerance of rape
7. Other institutional and traditional practices that harm women worldwide, such as toleration of domestic violence, forced marriage, child marriage, FGM, and impediments to economic independence of women
8. Neo-Liberalism including Liberal rights-based legal concepts such as "abstract equality" and "consent", and individualistic choice and empowerment concepts
9. The idea that Gender Identity (as opposed to biological sex) is biologically-based and Immutable
10. Strict Biological Determinism, e.g. the idea that female subordination is strictly biologically determined, or the idea that male aggression is not subject to social control
11. Strict Cultural Determinism (also called Social Constructionism), to the extent that biology is not considered as at least a partial contributor to human behavior. For example, the idea that rape and violence are purely socially constructed and not subject to biological predispositions
12. "Sex-Positive" feminist theory
13. Postmodernism and Third Wave feminist theory in some important respects
14. Misogyny, both internal and external, in men and women; and in women, social conditioning for passivity, docility, dependence, complicity, and infantilism
15. Patriarchal Religion
16. Nationalism
17. War and Institutionalized Violence
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